Boisdale Oyster Championships 2013

Oyster Championships 2013

October 22 2013

The British Oys­ter Cham­pi­onships 2013 were held by Bois­dale and Wright Broth­ers with fine wine spon­sor Jus­teri­ni & Brooks in the lav­ish sur­round­ings of Bois­dale Canary Wharf. Now in its third year, the Cham­pi­onships seek to find the best British rock and native oys­ters through a blind tast­ing by a pan­el of elite indus­try experts.

Over 1,500 British oys­ters were sourced by Wright Broth­ers, select­ing the very best com­mer­cial­ly avail­able oys­ters from across the UK, and tast­ed along­side a 2012 Domaine de la Taille aux Loups Mont­louis Sec ​“Les Dix Arpents” select­ed by Jus­teri­ni & Brooks as the per­fect accompaniment.
