Events & Offers

Boisdale Offers

Aperitivo Hour



Enjoy a complimentary selection of delicious canapés with every Negroni ordered between 6-7pm at our Negroni bar.

Saturday Blues Brunch


Kick off the weekend with our lively Saturday Blues Brunch featuring a two-course menu and live blues music.

Buy tickets

Past Events

Shooting Chefs 2023

To celebrate the consumption of British game across the country and its growth over the last decade, Boisdale Restaurants, who have been serving game since 1989, brought together the best in the restaurant business to go head-to-head for the ultimate title of Shooting Chef of the Year 2023, held at the world-famous Holland & Holland shooting grounds.

Boisdale in Bloom 2022

Since 1913 every May Lon­don has cel­e­brat­ed the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in the grounds of the Roy­al Hos­pi­tal Chelsea. In recent years, coin­cid­ing with the near­by Chelsea Flower Show, Bel­gravia in Bloom also takes place in shops, bars and restau­rants around Bel­gravia and this year Boisdale hosted its own flower spec­tac­u­lar with support from Whitley Neil Gin.